Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back in Humboldt

We got back to Humboldt on the Fourth! The girls were really good on the drive but don't like their new room. Michaela cries and cries and won't take any naps! It sucks, plus the place is really small that you can hear her cry from anywhere even outside in the garage. Scott is enjoying his job which is great...thats the most important thing. I have been trying to find a job but we are kind of limited here. I am sitting in Starbucks right now surfing the net...thats the internet we have now. Hope everyone is doing well and hopefully I will be back in a couple of days to update you some more.


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Hopefully both girls will get used to their new room soon! We miss you here already!

Unknown said...

I hope the girls adapt quickly! Glad to hear that Scott likes his new job :) Love you guys!

Lacey said...

i am at work surfing the net...thats the internet i have for now too! Hope that the family adjusts soon, or that you are able to get back in your house! cant wait to come visit! love to all the ellsmores!

Unknown said...

hang in there! Hopefully the girls will adjust quickly.

jen3 said...

glad to hear scott likes his job, and i hope the girls are better with adjusting to their new place! luv ya!