Monday, July 13, 2009

First week in Cutten

Well its been a week of adjusting here in Humboldt. Our place seems to be getting small, especially when the girls open every drawer and cupboard. The gate keeps them out of the kitchen but that just makes the place do much smaller. We are adjusting though. The girls and I go out everyday just to get out and enjoy the area. It was a beautiful day here today, I think it was about 65-70 which is a huge change from Chico. We spend the weekend looking at old places that we use to go. Saturday we headed up to Arcata for the farmers market which is big but prices are too expensive! We did have Los Bagels though! Then we went up to Humboldt State. Wow things are changing there...building new dorms, other buildings, and a new athletic-kinesiology area. The new gym is up but we couldn't get it. Looks great though. Big changes, can't really explain it so you will just have to see it when you come up. We took the girls to the track and they walked around it, which took a long time! Sunday we headed to Eel River Brewery for beer and to visit Caelen since she works there! Afterwards we headed out the the beach! Put the girls into the backpacks and went for a hike to the beach. When I put go the beach on our list of goals, I wasn't thinking Humboldt beach. I was thinking a beach you could go in and swim and build sand castles! Any way it works for a goal! The girls are sleeping better and are enjoying their room now! Scott and I are adjusting to no TV watching Seinfeld and a variety of movies, which we just saw Nick and Norah infinite playlist, go rent it! Hope everyone is doing well! We miss ya all!

Not a good picture of me but look at the girls

Izze walking on the beach

Scott and the girls

Michaela wanted in the water

Mickey in the backyard

Izze posing

Mickey petting Ming Chow. She says "hi kitty"

"wow a water bowl"

"I think I will dump it"


jen3 said...

nice pics of humboldt! wish that water was warmer though! glad to hear you guys are adjusting some, and hope to visit you soon!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Glad to see you keeping up on the posting even though you dont have internet! Glad that everyone is adjusting! Love ya and miss ya!

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm so happy the girls are liking their room now! The girls are so lucky to have such a great mom to take them on all these adventures! Can't wait for the next post! xoxo

Mama Michelle said...

wonderful new pics of the girls! Makes it seem not so hard that you are further away...