Well I got another item off the 100 goals. I have all my childhood pictures in an album, well two of the them and each one holds 400 pictures. It took some time and it was fun looking at all the pictures. I really hope the girls like looking at them when they are older. Here are some that I thought I would share with everyone!

School year pictures, First one is in 1983, then so on. Dance pictures are homecoming 1992, winter formal 1994, Prom 1995 with Eli! just kidding everett, lol!
Thanks for sharing!!! I love looking at old pictures. Gotta love the big bangs and feathered hair the most though :)
Love all the pics! I can see Izzy and Mickey in some of those pics! Crazy! Born to fish!
I remember when you did that AIDS ride. I think I still have the little red ribbon on my bulletin board in my office!
Oh Jamie, I have some of those pictures of you growing up because I've known you so long. I also have one in my room of you holding up your bike after your ride. It just seems like you did that the other day. I miss her so much too. love ya kid, market
Hello there Scott and Jamie,
This is Jodie, your old neighbor in Chico! What a great page you have here...I heard you all outside my bedroom window about a week ago, and I was only 2 days after groin hernia surgery and couldn't get up to see you...it was pure torture. I could even hear you calling after Michaela and it seemed she was heading towards our house! Gabby was here helping out but was still in her nightgown so she refused to go outside and see you even though I pleaded. It is so great seeing the girls on this page, makes me smile. I had never heard of the Empire Mine in Nevada City, even though we go up there for a change a couple of times a year...it seems you might recommend it? Well I have gathered you are settling in really nicely, and partaking of all that natural beauty around you. Mo used to love the Oakland Zoo as a young baby and girl, so I was shocked to hear you could get into a zoo for 1.00. We miss you guys. It looks like your home spot in Chico has been sold. I hope we get neighbors even 1/2 as nice as you all. Hopefully next time you are around we can catch you! One of your blogs mentioned a memorial for your parents, Jamie. Did I miss something really critical while you were here? Love to you all, and a big smooch and hug to each one of those precious abay girls. Jodie
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