Friday, June 12, 2009

Humboldt County?

Well its official, we are moving back to Humboldt. Scott was offered an amazing job and we just had to take it. He has sent out over 100 applications and nothing. So of course we had to take this job. The move will start in July so now we are just going to enjoy the rest of the time we have in the valley with family and friends. I hope even though we are moving away we still get to see everyone just as much. It has been an amazing year here in Butte County but we had to make a decision that affects our whole family. We are in a daze right now but we know that this is what we have to do and we will make the most of it! We love you all and hope that you will support our decision...because believe us it was a hard one to decide!


Unknown said...

Congrats on the job. And good luck. can't wait to keep up with all your adventures through our blogs.

Anonymous said...

It has been an amazing year for us here in Chico. I feel incredibly lucky to have had the time with all of you and the girls during their first year. The job does sound perfect. We will miss you, but try to visit as much as possible.

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Congrats on what sounds like a wonderful opportunity for your family! Central Cali will miss you very much!

Mary said...

Wow, you're moving even farther away! But YAY for the job! Will you be able to see Mt Shasta from where you are? Safe moving!