Sunday, November 15, 2015


The girls went super scary this year! 
Michaela is a vampire queen and Isabelle is a graveyard bride. 
As we started trick or treating, first house is my friend Kristie who gives them big candy bars, then our next door neighbors  who gives them a candy of candy with a a dollar! Grammy is with us and we start down on Main Street in Ferndale. We have a small town, next house girls are getting their candy and a dog attack a Michaela but she has better shoes on so it goes for izzy and the dog bites her bad.  She is crying and in pain and we check her foot and I know we need to go to the hospital.  Luckily Grammy was here so her and Michaela continue trick or treating.  
We head to the ER where they clean the puncture wound which was the easy part. Izzy needed one stitch and getting it to numb up was the hardest part. She was a trooper but it was hard on the parents. The top picture is the puncture. 
The top of her foot. 
We had to clean it for the next two days. She got to stay home one day from school.  Very hard to keep her still and just relax during this time. 
We got the stitch out last year and everything looks good! Glad it wasn't worse and Izzy says she doesn't blame the dog after all she did look pretty scary! 

1 comment:

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

The girls looked great! Too bad the night ended the way it did😢