Saturday, September 12, 2015

It's been awhile

Life has gotten in the way of updating but I promise to be better. Things are good up here in Ferndale. We had a great summer and school has started. Isabelle already had the flu, guess it's the only way to start the school year. The girls are playing soccer and Izzy scored her first goal ever today! Here are some pictures through the last 9 months.
The Sigonas came for a visit! We had so much fun! 
Girls dressed up for their first school dance!
Scott and I went to Vegas for a concert and I got sick! Still had a good time! 
Our garden that Scott built with our landlord. 
We saw my sister and Scott her fiancĂ©e in Oakland! 
Good time at the fair!
We did a rafting trip on the Trinity River!
Next were the waterslides in redding with auntie and Kurt!
Camping and hiking at Trinity lake
Scott catching fish for to eat the whole year
Scott catching me a skate but let it go! 
The girls at farm camp in Chico!
Scott and I celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary at McCloud falls. 
Best catch of the trip
Our week long trip at Lewiston lake during fire season. It was a great trip we had the whole lake to ourself. 
Jet boat tour with grandma and grandpa! 
Inside a cave on the beach in Oregon 
First day of 2nd grade!
We just had a visit with my sister and Scott in Ferndale!