Friday, July 11, 2014

July 4th weekend

We headed to our friends house for the July 3rd showing of fireworks in fortuna. Always a good time.
Savannah painting the girls nails red, white, and blue. Like the girls hair, I did them!
Getting ready for the show
So excited!
For the weekend we headed up to trinity lake, good thing the campground has a pool.
Because this is the lake! Interesting to see the lake so low and what it looks
Like underneath. I think it's 41% right now and it was lowering while we were there
Playing in the creek that comes into the lake 
Yes I was there!
Roasting marshmellows 
Cute playground they had. Girls loves it because at night they would go in with their flashlights.
Saturday morning I went for a hike along the lake. I think I made it to 3 miles. It was a nice trail and beautiful morning.
On the way back izzy trying daddy's hat!
Swim lessons at HSU, michaela learning to dive
Izzy trying to dive
Wednesday we headed to the zoo. Not
Many animals but I love this picture. Scott was like what creek is this and I said it's the bird sanctuary at the zoo.  This week the girls head to Chico for a week and Scott and I are doing a lake adventure...more to come!

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