Sunday, May 18, 2014

It's been awhile

We have been so busy! Scott was out of town for a week on business and then it was me for a week. But we have been doing some great adventure too! Picking just a couple of pictures are so hard.
We got one new kayak for the girls and we tried them out at freshwater lagoon. The girls love the kayak and are already pros! Can't wait until summer.
Izzy lost another tooth. She made us use string again. I think she might have this hole for a while. There is no tooth coming in yet. She lost this tooth in the beginning of April.
We headed to Chico for Easter and went and saw out favorite musical at the moment, shrek! Third time we have seen it but it was great. I love that the girls love musicals!
We headed to grandpas and grandmas for Easter lunch. Girls tried the bows and arrows and did really really well. 
Since Scott was going away for a week the girls and I decided to stay over in the valley to see friends. First stop Sigonas! Pizza place was awesome and we had lots of fun.
Gavin's baseball game as fun and the girls loved the snacks and play equipment. They love doing the bars right now!
Next stop to see the jones'. They were getting ready to leave for South Carolina so we just visited. The boys are so big and it was nice just visiting. I miss my friends! Love you girls!
The girls and I stayed in Sacramento one more day and went to the zoo and fairyland. They got to feed the giraffes which was so much fun!
My little kangaroos! 
At fairyland, izzy would Mary and her sheep! If you don't know izzy loves loves sheep!
I got this picture one day when I was out of town. She wants to be a cowgirl!
My conference was in Palm Springs so my sister was able to come out for a night. There was a street fair going on and we went to a really expensive restaurants that we thought would be good but only got appetizers. Crazy Palm Springs. Teri is roasting a marshmellow with fire pit.  It was a good visit too.
Maypole dance at the girls school, it was really gear to see this dance.
Mother's Day race. Originally it was michaela, Elaine, and myself but izzy decided to run also. So exciting!
Me with my girls at our first race
Ready to run
and we are off!  Michaela and I finished with a time of 28:37 which was 7 minutes better than last year. Izzy and Elaine walked most of it but it was great and izzy was like can we do another race!
On Thursday night izzy took a bit of her strawberry and her tooth became really loose so we just got it out! I hope the other one comes out soon! So exciting and she never cries with her teeth, cries about everything else but not teeth.

1 comment:

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

You guys have been busy! So glad you were able to visit!