Thursday, September 5, 2013

Elle's party and Labor Day

Labor Day weekend in the bay for the last time.  Friday night we stayed in an great hotel in Ukiah, Hampton inn and it was beautiful. Wish we could have stayed longer but we needed to get to Fremont for a special little girls 1st bday! Of course I didn't take any pictures of her she was on the move all day. The girls had a great time with all the kids. 
Isabelle knocked down the piñata, good job!
All the kids cheering for each other waiting for candy!
Michaela's turn
Getting ready for sack races
Both girls did great at the sack race
We left Fremont and headed to concord to drop kids off with Grammy so we could head to the game. Great seats and lots of fun. I want season tickets to baseball!
Taking a picture of josh Donaldson and makes the play
Outside hula hooping

Mickey had it around her waist for a minute
We headed to the Lindsay wildlife museum Sunday.
Michaela learning how to fly like a bird
Bald eagle
Polar bear
Grizzly bear
The cloud formation was so cool I took a picture. Monday we headed back to humbolt!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Great seeing you guys! We will miss getting to see you on your trips to the bay!

Lacey said...

so great seeing you guys! always wish it was for longer!