Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bowl-a-thon give a donation!

Hi All! Scott and I are participating in a bowling game to help out Big Brothers Big Sisters. We need to raise $50 each. I have a website that you can go to donate. Any amount helps! Please help us raise the money. Scott did it last year and its a huge success up on the North Coast. I think Scott and I will have a wager on our game! Makes it more interesting, so give what you can! Thanks! Scott's link will be up soon!


Anonymous said...

who is ahead in donation $$$'s?

Jamie and Scott said...

so far me because of your donation! thanks!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

I used the link and donated, is there a separate link for Scott? Let us know how you do!

Jamie and Scott said...

there is a seperate link for scott but he hasn't set it up yet! don't worry when i bet scott I will let you know!