Monday, March 20, 2017

It's been a while

I just realized I could post things from my phone without an app.  Technology is great!

I will give more updates now but here is the latest, my high school basketball team made a video and I wanted to share it. Let me know what you think. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sunday, November 15, 2015


The girls went super scary this year! 
Michaela is a vampire queen and Isabelle is a graveyard bride. 
As we started trick or treating, first house is my friend Kristie who gives them big candy bars, then our next door neighbors  who gives them a candy of candy with a a dollar! Grammy is with us and we start down on Main Street in Ferndale. We have a small town, next house girls are getting their candy and a dog attack a Michaela but she has better shoes on so it goes for izzy and the dog bites her bad.  She is crying and in pain and we check her foot and I know we need to go to the hospital.  Luckily Grammy was here so her and Michaela continue trick or treating.  
We head to the ER where they clean the puncture wound which was the easy part. Izzy needed one stitch and getting it to numb up was the hardest part. She was a trooper but it was hard on the parents. The top picture is the puncture. 
The top of her foot. 
We had to clean it for the next two days. She got to stay home one day from school.  Very hard to keep her still and just relax during this time. 
We got the stitch out last year and everything looks good! Glad it wasn't worse and Izzy says she doesn't blame the dog after all she did look pretty scary! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Just ended an exciting month in Ferndale. Field trips, soccer games, family visits, and rain.

Michaela got her first award from school for being a hard, productive worker. We were both at the assembly and it was great to see how shock Michaela was at getting her award! 
Elaine came for a visit so we got to go fishing for the first and last time of the year for me. 
The ocean was beautiful!
We have been cracking walnuts like crazy.  It's been a family project. 
This year we got over 40 pumpkins from the garden and so we roasted a pumpkin for dinner. So good!
It's so hard to get soccer pictures, they are to fast! Today is our last game. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

2nd grade school pictures

Sorry for the glare. But you get the idea. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Last camping trip

We headed to ruth lake this past weekend. Not many people there even though it was the first weekend of hunting. 
Beautiful weather, 90s during the day and not that cold at night.
Michaela finishing off my kayak.
Izzy caught the most fish this weekend with 18! We caught a total of 7 different species of fish this trip. 
Huge crappie!
Finally we caught one on my kayak
View of the mountain that was on fire this summer. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

It's been awhile

Life has gotten in the way of updating but I promise to be better. Things are good up here in Ferndale. We had a great summer and school has started. Isabelle already had the flu, guess it's the only way to start the school year. The girls are playing soccer and Izzy scored her first goal ever today! Here are some pictures through the last 9 months.
The Sigonas came for a visit! We had so much fun! 
Girls dressed up for their first school dance!
Scott and I went to Vegas for a concert and I got sick! Still had a good time! 
Our garden that Scott built with our landlord. 
We saw my sister and Scott her fiancĂ©e in Oakland! 
Good time at the fair!
We did a rafting trip on the Trinity River!
Next were the waterslides in redding with auntie and Kurt!
Camping and hiking at Trinity lake
Scott catching fish for to eat the whole year
Scott catching me a skate but let it go! 
The girls at farm camp in Chico!
Scott and I celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary at McCloud falls. 
Best catch of the trip
Our week long trip at Lewiston lake during fire season. It was a great trip we had the whole lake to ourself. 
Jet boat tour with grandma and grandpa! 
Inside a cave on the beach in Oregon 
First day of 2nd grade!
We just had a visit with my sister and Scott in Ferndale! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Christmas in fort bragg

This year we spent Christmas in fort Bragg! Elaine had this great idea for all of us her family, Amanda's family, and our family to spend the holiday in Fort Bragg. The house was amazing! We all had a great time. 
Izzy and mama having out doing a puzzle Christmas Eve.
Picture of the back of the house. The wood stove was so nice!
View from livingroom 
We went for a nice evening walk on Christmas Eve. So beautiful there. 
Christmas morning!
Santa left tons of stocking stuff 
With their go go walking pups 
Mickey got a day pack! Thanks auntie 
Back of the house view from the water
Mama and daddy!
Christmas Day we went for a nice hike to a beach. All the cousins playing 
Scott trying to fish in the private cove we had
Sunsets were amazing! We spotted over 100 grey whales! Every time we looked we say spots. Finally on the last day we saw some flukes!
Scott tries crabbing not much success but Kurt was happy with one!
Climbing the rocks at glass beach 
Last hike of the trip. The girls went back to Chico with Elaine and Ross after Christmas so we got a week off. More to come about that week.