Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cresta Powerhouse

We headed up the Feather River for a quick trip. Scott wanted to get some crawdads and I wanted to fish. We ended up at Cresta Powerhouse, see it behind me in the picture. We had the girls in the backpacks and it worked really well. Scott didn't find anything but we caught three fish. Then some PG&E guy came down and told us the warning of fishing there. I guess the gates can break on the building behind me and send out a wave of water that would send us 150 feet. As soon as we heard that we left. We headed back home and Izze got car sick for the first time! Not good but we made it home. Here are some pictures of that and the girls hanging out with me on the couch.
Izze and me catching the fish

Mickey and Scott catching a fish

Izze in the box

Girls hanging out on the couch

Mickey playing with the activity blanket


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Wow that is scary about the fishing spot! They shouldnt allow people there at all! Love the pics though!

Lacey said...

Love the pics! Cant wait to seeya on SAT!

jen3 said...

looks like a beautiful place to fish...i love your fishing pic with the girls, they look so happy

Mary said...

The girls are getting SO big! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. When do you move?