Thursday, March 12, 2009

Special Day!

Today is a special day in all of the Ellsmore families! Amanda gave birth to Karl this morning at 12:15, weighing at 8 pounds 2 ounces. Not sure how long but he is finally here. Welcome to the world Baby Fischer!

Today is another special day in our family because we took the girls to the park for the first time! And let me tell you that they had a great time! We biked over to the kids park in Bidwell. Its a really nice park. Has multiple playing areas! Anyway the girls had so much fun and so did we! Michaela was walking all over the place and Isabelle was a little shy at first but then decided it was time to break out. Michaela tried to talk to everyone and to poke them. Overall a great day and experience for the girls. Videos to come but here are some pictures!
The girls in their bike helmets

Izze on the seahorse
Izze on the swing

Does she look like she is having fun?

Michaela getting ready to swing

Having fun, where is her other leg?

Now she is having fun

The girls crawling through the tunnel, the dragons mouth

Here comes Mickey!

Izze taking her time


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Congrats on another nephew! The girls look like they had so much fun! We'll have to take them to the park here the next time you all come down!

Mama Michelle said...

Congratulations on the new Nephew! Hard to believe in a couple of years people won't hardly be able to tell who's older, Mickey and Izze, or Karl.
Looks like you had a fun first trip to the park. It's so much fun to take them places one they're mobile and can run all over exploring!