I went down to Sac for the weekend to see Avenue Q with Lacey. Thanks Dave for two tickets and thanks Danny for not being able to go! We had a great time! I came down on Saturday, which was prime basketball tournament time! I can't believe that I was going to Lacey's where there is no TV to watch the games. Her idea was to go to BJs for beer and food. What a great idea! We spend like 3 hours there just talking and watching the games. It was really nice! We did some shopping after that and headed back to Lacey's to meet Brands and Anthony, oh ya and Gavin! They left early because both Lace and I were tired! Got up Sunday and we to breakfast with Brands and Gavin, to Mel's Diner, which by the way had TVs so I could watch the games...awesome! Then we headed to Anthony's baseball game, seemed like old times when we use to watch him and Tony play for Humboldt. Then Lacey and I went back to get ready for Avenue Q. We got there really early but made the most of it. We got some drinks that cost $7 but was worth it! Then the show...it was good and interesting at the same time! We want to go to more shows but wow are they expensive! After the show I wanted to know the score of the Arizona-Cleveland State game but nobody would tell me! So we got to Chili's and I thought the games would be on but NOOOO, games were over for the day! It got so bad that Brands had to call Ric to see who won! After dinner I drove home and got to see the girls before bedtime! I had a blast and wish that we could do that all the time but it doesn't work that way. Its times like this that you truly treasure!
Awww! Yes, times like that are all the more special when they are further apart. Glad you girls had such a great weekend!
Wow! What a busy weekend! So glad I got to see you! Love ya!
What a great time we had! Cant wait to seeya again this weekend!
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