Wednesday, January 28, 2009

9 month check-up

Christiansen Boys with Ellsmore Girls
Scott and Katya getting ready to skate

Scott and I in the roller ring...I am not as good as I use to be!

We went to the doctors today for their 9 month check-up even though they will be 10 months tomorrow. Things looked good. They need some more iron in their diets so we are giving them some more meat in their diets. Izzy weighed 16.12 pounds(20%) and 28.75 inches (90 %). Her head is getting bigger so no helmet!!! Mickey weighed 17.04 pounds (30%) and 27.75 inches (75%). Her head was fine! The doctor said they were perfect!
Now we are just getting ready for Super Bowl weekend! We are fixing a turkey dinner for all of our friends, should be an exciting one!


jen3 said...

helmet?? i'm happy she doesn't need one:) see you soon!!

Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Glad the girls checkup went well! Wow, they are tall arent they! Cant wait to see how Gavin measures up in a month!

Lacey said...

See..Perfect!! just what ive been saying all along!

Anonymous said...

Wow lady! You got some long skinney babies!

Lynsey Ridout said...

Wow, they are getting so big! It's amazing how time flies. Yes I am still alive in Denver, just busy with school, work, and the holidays. I hope all is well in Chico!

Trinette and Mike said...

I LOVE that you guys went roller skating! I think that will be my birthday party this year...try and rent out the rink and have everyone dress up in 70's disco clothes! I can't wait to see you all Sunday!

Mama Michelle said...

Hard to believe our little tiny girls are 10 months old! (and I already knew they were perfect by the way..)